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mercredi 18 janvier 2012

The building of the Titanic

The bulding of the Titanic began on 22 March 1909 in the shipyard of Harland & Wolff in Belfast, Ireland.

In the end of the autumn of 1908, the blueprints of the boat were finished. There were studied and drawn under Alexander Montgomer Cailise's and Thomas Andrew's direction. To satisfy the demands of the White Star Line, the yard was modified their stocks.

On March 22 1909, the Titanic rook the yard number 401 and the shell number 3909 04. For the workers catholic irish, this number isn't good. Read in the mirror, this number looks like a disastrous prediction who mean 'no pape" (pas de pape). The historian of the Titanic take it like an extraordinary thing.

Officially, launched on May 31 1911, we must wait March 1912 until the boat took to the sea. A lot of month of works were necessary again. It's what we call the "armament". After this step and tests, th Titanic wasput off to the White Star Line, the 11 april 1912, at 13:30 pm. The boat began his maiden voyage to New York the 12 april at 2:20 am. The Titanic went missing in the depth of the sea.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Good article ! good luck !