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jeudi 19 janvier 2012

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mercredi 18 janvier 2012

The building of the Titanic

The bulding of the Titanic began on 22 March 1909 in the shipyard of Harland & Wolff in Belfast, Ireland.

In the end of the autumn of 1908, the blueprints of the boat were finished. There were studied and drawn under Alexander Montgomer Cailise's and Thomas Andrew's direction. To satisfy the demands of the White Star Line, the yard was modified their stocks.

On March 22 1909, the Titanic rook the yard number 401 and the shell number 3909 04. For the workers catholic irish, this number isn't good. Read in the mirror, this number looks like a disastrous prediction who mean 'no pape" (pas de pape). The historian of the Titanic take it like an extraordinary thing.

Officially, launched on May 31 1911, we must wait March 1912 until the boat took to the sea. A lot of month of works were necessary again. It's what we call the "armament". After this step and tests, th Titanic wasput off to the White Star Line, the 11 april 1912, at 13:30 pm. The boat began his maiden voyage to New York the 12 april at 2:20 am. The Titanic went missing in the depth of the sea.

The new museum "Titanic Belfast"

Belfast is the city where the Titanic was built. It was built from 1909 to 1911. The ship was called "the Unsinkable" however it sank on its first trip. Belfast city created, one hundred years after, the Titanic museum ! The museum building resembles the assembly of fourth boat hulls.

From the sky, the building looks like a white star, which remind people of the operator of the Titanic. The building is covered whith spikes of metal, and when the light play on shards it is reminiscent of moving water. In the museum, there are ten galleries with a lot of interaction. The Titanic museum convey the sound, the smells, the history of shipyard and its creation but also the history of passengers, crew and the "heroes" of this day.

This is presented in a modern and exciting way. If visitors want to bring back a souvenir, they will go to the store of the Titanic, which lies inside the meseum. There are restaurants. The museum Titanic Belfast is a trip. A trip trough time and experience, through triumph and tragedy. Titanic Belfast, a world-class visitor attraction...

Préparation de l'exposition !

Hello, Hello ! Voici quelques photos de la préparation des affiches sur L'Irlande du Nord que nous allons accrocher dans le lycee, afin qu'un maximum de gens puissent découvrir ce magnifique pays ! :)
Sur ces photos: Alison, Marion, Mégane, Anissa, Mélanie, Edouard, Samantha, Leslie, Sharon, Olivia, Capucine, Julie, Romane, Pauline & Angélique s'affairant à décorer leurs affiches ! :)
L'exposition sera affiché du 16 au 30 janvier 2012 au Lycée Brémontier.
Un quizz sera organisé pour tester ses connaissances sur l'Irlande et son histoire. Pas d'inquiétude chers internautes,vous pouvez dès à présent, vous aussi, tester vos connaissances grâce à notre quizz en ligne ! Bonne chance ;)

samedi 14 janvier 2012

The Giant's Causeway

Clochán na bhFómharach

Magic form located in the coast of Northern Ireland where 40 000 hexagon column spread out. This phenomenon is the result of result of an ancient volcanic eruption.
The Giants' Causeway formed 60 million years ago.

The legend tells that an Irish giant, Finn MacCool, wanted to fight against Benandonner, a Scotland giant. But not any boat was rather big to transport them both. So, Finn MacCool decided built causeway to walk in Scotland. Benandonner came in Ireland by the causeway; he was taller and stronger than Finn MacCool, so Finn MacCool became afraid and asked help to his wife Oonag. She taught to disguise her husband in a baby. When Benandonner came in their house and saw the baby, he taught that: if this baby is so big, dad was bigger! He left again, and for makes sure that Finn MacCool didn’t follow him, he broke Causeway behind him.

vendredi 13 janvier 2012

St Patrick

 The Saint Patron of Ireland

St patrick is the patron of Ireland, he lived between 385 

and 461, in the end of the fourth century.

He was buried in 

Down's cathedral in Downpatrick county 

in Northern 

Ireland. He died in march the 17 461.

 So that why all  years, march the 17,

 all the Irish all around the world celebrate this Day.


For this tradition the people dress up in green, they choose this 

color to show our identity in this occasion. In second symbol of 

this Memorial Day, Irish people choose the shamrock, this plant

was used by St Patrick to explain to the laymen the concept 

of St Trinity this disciples adopted this practice to remember 

this saint. The day is celebrated all around the world by Irish 

and no Irish.

jeudi 12 janvier 2012

A general presentation of Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom, situated in the north-east of Ireland. Northern Ireland consists of the the nine countries of the Irish province: County Antrim, County Armagh, County Down, County Fermanagh, County Londonderry, County Tyron. Its population is 1 685 000, and constituted about 30% of the Island's total population. The capital of the country is Belfast and at the same time it is the biggest city. Most Irishmen Ireland speak English but the Irish language is spoken.
As far as food is concerneds, Northern Ireland shares many gastronomic traditions with the rest of Ireland. For example, potatoes and mutton are used frequently but are also common with the rest of Irenland.
According to attendance figures, Gaelic football is the most popular sport in Northern Ireland. The northern Ireland does not have a national anthem but Londonderry Air is played when Northern Ireland participates in sporting events. Then come hurling and rugby. Other sportsare also very present in Northern Ireland as basketball, cricket, Gaelic handball and field hockey.
Gaelic football is the most popular sport in Ireland. The game looks like a mixture of rugby and football, but it is less violent than the latter, since ptating and tackling is prohibited. The rules are simple and ofter more freedom to th eattacking team. It is a completely amateur sport, and each player could only pley for one team throughout his life, the county where eh was born. Gaelic football is played in teams of 15 players on a rectangular field with H-shaped goals. The first objective is to score points by sending the ball into the opposing goal. The team with the highest score at the end of the match wins.
Hurling is one of the two main Gaelic game Gaelic football with it shares a number of rules and structures, such as land, the number of player, how to keep score and some of the terminology. Hurling is a team sport of Irish is played outside. Hurling is played with a stick called a hurley or caman used to kick a ball named sliotar. This sport is a from of soule to lacrosse. This sport is considered to be the team sport the fastest. The hurlig was also a femal version called camogie.